We’re excited you chosen to explore Lake Deaton. There’s a lot going on in our busy church and we know it can be tricky to navigate the first time you come here. Feel free to get in touch to find out more and to discover how to make the most of your initial visit for you and your family. We can’t wait to meet you.
Praise & Worship Service
(Now with interpretation for the Hearing Impaired.)
Praise Band and lively music with occasional hymns.
Praise & Worship Service
Praise Band and lively music with occasional hymns.
SUNDAYS at 10:45 AM
Traditional Service
Choir music and hymns
What to Expect Your First Time...
Church can be an intimidating place to visit —especially if you don’t know what to expect. At Lake Deaton, you will find people dressed in their Sunday best and people dressed in shorts and golf shirts. We want you to feel comfortable. From jeans and a t-shirt, to being comfortable in slacks and a button down, or even in a dress, comfortable is the way to go. Upon entering the building, you will be warmly greeted. Please stop at our VIP connection point for a special first time visitor packet. Arrive a bit early or stay a little later after service and enjoy a cup of coffee and a cookie! Chat with some congregants and make a new friend or two. Whether you are investigating God or you're a committed Christian yearning to deepen your faith, Lake Deaton Church is a place where you can find a church home. The first weekend of every month Discover Lake Deaton is offered to you following worship. This event will provide more in-depth info about our church.
Lake Deaton United Methodist Church
6500 Wesleyan Way
Wildwood, FL 34785
Parking is plentiful for both cars and golfcarts.
You can come from either Buena Vista or Morse Boulevard.
Take Hillsborough Trail to Warnock Road. Continue on Warnock, turning left on Northwood Place.
At the end of cul-de-sac, take the path that runs parallel to 44A entering the Lake Deaton Campus.

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